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TENT 2013 ! with @GBENGASESAN.

These days i just blog about events,but, what can i say?. I was present at the TENT 2013 Gathering. It took place at the  Lagos State E-learning Centre located on the Island. Let me explain, T for TECHIE , E for ENTREPRENEURIAL, N for NIGERIAN and T for TALENTED. So you get the point. Anchored by Paradigm Initiative's CEO  Gbenga Sesan, it was well,nothing short of immensely-awakening/inspiring/wonderful. I don't want to talk about the cool network i had a chance to create, or the mind-blowing ideas flying around,or Mario Valle Reyes, Pat Utomi, Tomi Davies, Oreoluwa,...(okay the list is endless) . Follow the Hashtag #tent2013 on twitter to get details.This time my school, UNN was second runner up of #clashofthecampuses (on twitter).TENT 2014 will hold at Benin. Plan to be there. More details on that when i get more . :)


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